Daftaboutcraft - Craft Beer Podcast

Daftaboutcraft - Craft Beer Podcast - Episode 43 (April 18, 2023)

Episode 43

Dave B and Dave D are waiting for your messages!

Easter may be over but here's an eggstra treat, it's the latest episode of the Daftaboutcraft podcast, absolutely bursting with beery content!

Wensleydale Brewing have been around long enough to see the craft beer scene change hugely, and Miles Lapprell joins us to explain their journey and discuss how he sells their beers (he's a busy man as there is literally a new one every week)!

There could only be one set of beers for Hype or Tripe, but what do we make of this year's Chubbles offerings from Cloudwater and The Veil?

Our popular Brew To Me feature, in which we try breweries that are new to us,  takes in Dave B's recent trip to North Yorkshire with a sampling of beer from Bayonet Brewing and the lowdown from owner/brewer Alex, while Dave D checks out Lady Luck Brewery from Whitby and is joined by head brewer Arran.

This latest episode also features the unveiling of our brand new sponsor - Andy Marsh joins us from Hops At Home to reveal all, talking about his love for the craft beer scene and what teaming up with Dave and Dave means to him. There will be new offers on each and every episode for you to take advantage of, kicking off with the Daftaboutcraft box - 12 beers from north-east breweries including Almasty, Two By Two, Full Circle, Wylam and more, delivered to your door for £50, inclusive of postage.

Regular listeners will recall we recently took part in our very first collaboration, and the result was a beer called Gloop, in conjunction with the Oil Basin in Worcester and Copper Beech Brewing Company. Dave D and the Brewer's Wife crack open a couple of cans to see what it's like - and there's a special listener offer to get involved with if you fancy trying it out for yourself!

All this and more on the latest episode of Daftaboutcraft, the craft beer podcast.

Daftaboutcraft is produced by us two guys, called Dave. We're massive fans of the craft beer scene and we release a new episode every three weeks. Read more in Feed Spot's top 30 craft beer podcasts, which you can see here. Check us out on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook too!